Thursday, December 17, 2015


It's official!!

Our gingerbread house won! The students worked sooooo hard on it and the efforts paid off!!

On January 6th Spartacat will be coming in with a pizza lunch for the students (please send your child in sens gear that day if they have any)

Each child will be getting 2 tickets to the Sens vs. Florida game the next night January 7th.

PLEASE let me know if you will not be able to make it to the game. This way I can raffle/ make a draw for any extra tickets, if there are any extra tickets, to other students.

Also if you cannot make it but still want your child to go, please let me know because I am sure there are other parents that will happily escort your child.

As of right now all I know is the tickets will be in the 300 section but I am not sure where. I already asked for that information in case you would like to purchase extra tickets.  When I find our I will let you know! 

Congratulations to the boys and girls for a job well done! I am a very proud teacher!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14th

Hello Parents,

This is the 3rd week of Advent. The liturgical colour is purple. Advent is a time for waiting. We are waiting for the birth of our saviour, Jesus! Mrs. D'Ettorre added the shepherd and Three Wisemen to our Nativity display in the front foyer. We gathered around the Nativity Scene last week to talk about it. Your child should be able to talk about the meaning of the following: manger, stable, Mary, Joseph, Angel Gabriel, Jesus, Advent, Advent wreath, shepherd, wisemen, gifts.

  • Note that there will not be any new word wall words this week. We will resume our word wall word study in January. You can take this opportunity to review all the words studied to-date. I will send home a list of all the words studied so far this week. Remember that they are required to know all these words by sight. I will be assessing each child on their knowledge of the word wall words in early January.

St. Cecilia Advent Project
A very BIG thanks to those who sent their items for needy families. Some money from Spirit Day and the White Elephant Sale will also go to purchasing items for needy families for Christmas.

The White Elephant Sale was a lot of fun! Each child had a chance to purchase something from the sale. The Kids loved it!

In Language, we are finishing up our study of descriptive writing. The children had many opportunities to practice this writing form and get very good at it. Our next writing form will be procedural writing (e.x. How to make a snowman, How to make lemonade etc.).

We are working our data management unit (ex. tallies, surveys, bar graphs, pictographs, interpreting data). The children are getting good at collecting data from a survey question, tallying the votes and completing a bar graph. They are also getting good at interpreting the data using math terms such as more, less, most popular, least popular, more than, less than.

A big thanks to Nanny Sue and the awesome volunteers for making our elf crafts last Wednesday. The children really enjoyed making this craft and are also getting better at following step-by-step instructions. Super!

*Note that you can keep the yellow Poems and Songs at home. We are not using them as part of the homework in January.

Important Dates:
  • CGE Assembly - Tuesday, December 15th at 2:30pm
  • Grade 1 Art-O-Rama - Wednesday, December 16th (all day)
  • Library Books due by  Wednesday, December 16th
  • Library exchange will be Thursday this week

Also I should hear mid week this week if we won the Gingerbread contest or not. Fingers crossed I get an email this week!!

I would like to wish all of you a wonderful holiday with your families! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Hello Parents,


Last week we gathered as a school community for our Advent Mass. This is the 2nd week of Advent. The liturgical colour is purple. Advent is a time for waiting. We are waiting for the birth of our saviour, Jesus! We gathered around the Nativity Scene last week to talk about it. Your child should be able to talk about the meaning of the following: manger, stable, Mary, Joseph, Angel Gabriel, Jesus, Advent, Advent wreath.

  • Note that there will not be any new word wall words the week of December 14-18th. We will resume our word wall word study in January.

St. Cecilia Advent Project
As you know each class is collecting items for a needy family this Christmas. Each child picked an item to bring in to put into the basket. Thanks to those who have already sent their item in. If you haven’t done so, please send your item in.

We can still use donations for the White Elephant Sale. The Grade 6’s are looking for books, toys, stuffed animals, puzzles, games, movies, cd’s etc. Note that shoes, clothing or earrings are accepted. Gift wrap, gift bags, tissue paper etc. would also be helpful. Thanks for your help. Donations are accepted up until December 10th.

In Language, students designed a gingerbread house and then described it. We have been discussing and practising “Visualizing” while they listen to a story. I encourage you to have your child write as much as possible at home for real purposes - write a letter or email to grandma/grandpa, write out the grocery list, write out a recipe, write sentences about  your weekend, describe your pet/house/room/favourite toy etc.

We have started our unit on data management (ex. tallies, surveys, bar graphs, pictographs, interpreting data). The children really like collecting data for our graphs. We will be doing for the next two weeks.

In Science, we are exploring our knowledge about Seasons and Seasonal Changes. This week, we will focus on the Summer season (clothing, animals, activities, celebrations, food, weather etc). Seems fitting to do this season this week since our temperatures are above seasonal so it feels like a little bit of summer still lingering!

Christmas Spirit day is on Wednesday this week. Children are encouraged to dress as "Chirstmasy" as they would like. Donations are being accepted.

Important Dates:
  •  Christmas Spirit Day: Wednesday, December 9th :
  • Grade 1 Art-O-Rama - Wednesday, December 16th (all day)
  • Next Library Book Exchange - Wednesday, December 16th

  • December Craft with Nanny Sue - Wednesday, December 9th 1:00-2:10pm
(We need some volunteers to help out with this awesome craft! Write a note in your child’s agenda if you can help out for an hour)