Monday, April 25, 2016

April 25-29

We are starting our two-week read-a-thon Monday, April 25th. Please encourage your child to read each night. You only need to initial or sign each book or chapter and then your child will get a white sticky bubble to add to the fish they coloured last week. Our hope is that the bubbles will reach to the top of the majestic blue ocean we created on two of our hallway walls. Happy Reading!!

Lotto Calendars
Lotto calendars were due on Friday. If you still need to hand in money, forms or calendars please do so on Monday.

In Language, we continue to write a variety of poems. We will also start persuasive writing this week as well.

Here are this week’s word wall words.

1. fun
2. good
3. she
4. me
5. cat
6. animal
In Math, we will be learning about measurement and area. Students will learn how to measure using non-standard units of measurement and describe the area of different things using square units.

Important Dates:
Wednesday, April 27th - Library book exchange
May 2nd-6th - Education Week
Thursday, May 7th - Education Week Open House 8:00am-9:00am (More information to follow)

Nanny Sue is also looking for soup cans for our final craft of the year. We are asking each student to bring in one medium sized soup can if possible. Thank You very much in advance!

If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda.

Have a fabulous week!
Tiffany Lawless

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