Monday, May 30, 2016

May 30- June 3

Hi everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful warm weekend we just had. Hopefully it will cool off a little soon, we still have a month of school left before summer!!

A few quick reminders:
  1. We are still in desperate need of some 10 oz/250 ml soup cans for our very last Nanny Sue craft. If you have any please send them in as soon as possible.
  2. Jump Rope for heart is next week June 8. Please make sure to get your pledge forms in.

3. There will be NO MORE homework for the rest of the year!
4. The last scholastic order of the year is due THIS Thursday June 2nd. Ordering from scholastic can me  much more cost effective than Chapters... trust me I know! :)

Our WWW this week are:
  1. Night
  2. Give
  3. About
  4. Family
  5. Once
  6. zoo

In Language we are continuing with learning about what a narrative is. We are learning about characters, setting, problem, and solutions. The children are going to come up with some of their own narratives and present them to the class.

In math we are continuing with word problems. We will also be looking at algebra questions. For example: 3+__= 6

In Science we are continuing to look at living things as well as energy sources.

*****Family Life:
This week during last block we will be doing our family life unit Created Sexualy. The note did go home to let you know about it last week but I just wanted to give you a reminder. We will be focusing on this unit during the last block of every day.

Upcoming Dates:
  1. Nanny Sue craft Wednesday June 15th
  2. EQAO testing grade 3 and 6 This week and next.
  3. Jump Rope for Heart June 8th

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to drop me a line in the agenda!
Have a great week!

Tiffany Lawless

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

May 24th-27th

Happy short week everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend and spent time outside with the family!!

Tuesday May 24 is class picture day! Can’t wait to see all the beautiful smiles!

This week’s WWW are:
  1. more
  2. people
  3. always
  4. pretty
  5. nice

Tomorrow Wednesday May 25th is our field trip to Baxter conservation area. While on our trip, we will be doing two studies. One will be a pond study and the other will be a animal and habitat study. Please make sure your child is wearing a hat, sunscreen (bug spray) and a pair of shoes they can get wet or muddy in (rain boots are ideal). Also, please make sure to pack them a hearty litterless lunch as well as a water bottle. Tomorrow should be a great day!
Map of Baxter Conservation Area

Starting this week we will be learning about narratives. We are going to introduce what a narrative is and what makes a narrative. We will also be continuing with recounts and persuasive texts.

Since this is a shorter week we are going to be continuing on with word problems.

Last week we started looking at living things and non-living things. On Friday we did a living things/non-living things hunt outside in our school yard and it was amazing to see what the children found! Check out twitter last week for our findings.

Important Dates:
Tues. May 24- Class photo
Wed. May 25- Field trip to Baxter Conservation

Have a fabulous week!
Tiffany Lawless

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16-20

Hello everyone.

We had a FABULOUS afternoon Friday watching our movie and eating our ice cream sundaes! A BIG congratulations to the students for doing an amazing job during our read-a-thon!!

Nanny Sue is planning our last craft for June and she is looking for 10 ounce empty cans. If you can help us collect some that would be great! Thanks

Here are this week’s word wall words.

1. don’t
2. won’t
3. yes
4. just
5. many

We have 3 more weeks after this week. That means just another 16 more words to learn. Please take time during the week to practise these words. They occur very often in texts your child reads. Learning how to read these words will help your child with his/her writing as well. Keep up the good work!

In Math, we will continue to work on solving word problems using pictures, numbers and words. Children will focus on learning key words in the word problem which indicates the math operation (addition or subtraction).

In Science, we are exploring living things and their needs. We will go outside and see what they can find in our school yard.

Important Dates:
Tuesday, May 17th - CGE Assembly at 1:00pm
Thursday, May 19th - Kindergarten Welcome Night, 5:30-7:00pm
Wednesday, May 25th - Library Exchange
Wednesday, May 25th - Gr. 1 Trip to Baxter Conservation (more info to follow)

If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda.

Have a great week!
Tiffany Lawless

Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9-13

I hope everyone had a great Mother’s day weekend and you enjoyed your beautiful gifts!

A big thank you to all of you who helped your children read and reach their class and cousin class goal over the last two weeks! The students really worked hard to get their bubbles and because of that Mrs.D’Ettorre and I are rewarding them with a pj/ movie/stuffy afternoon this Friday May 13th. Also, since they reached their cousin goal of 700 books they will also be getting ice cream! (we will be buying the Chapman brand ice cream since it seems to be the safest with our friends and allergies). Congratulations to all of you for working so hard.

Our New Word Wall Words this week are:

In Language this week we will be continuing to learn about writing a persuasive letter. We wrote our persuasive letter last week to Mrs.Fulton’s class asking them to join us for a tech block in our room. We can’t wait to get their response!

In Math we are continuing to focus number sense and numeration. We are going to be working on new word problems and making sure we answer showing all of our thinking (using pictures, numbers and words).

Important Dates:
Thursday May 12- Library at 3 pm
Friday May 27- Field trip to Baxter Conservation

If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda! Have a fabulous week!

Tiffany Lawless

Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2-6


We are continuing our two-week read-a-thon this week and it ends on Friday, May 6th. Please encourage your child to read each night. You only need to initial or sign each book or chapter and then your child will get a white sticky bubble to add to the fish they coloured last week. Our hope is that the bubbles will reach to the top of the majestic blue ocean we created on two of our hallway walls. The children are really excited to see their bubbles climb up the ocean wall! If we reach our class goal of 500 books, they get a movie and pyjama day. If we reach our goal along with our cousin class (Mrs. D'Ettorre) and together we read 700 books, then we both get a movie, pyjama, stuffy and ice cream block! (With Maybe a few surprises! )

In Language, we will focus on persuasive writing and write a persuasive letter to Mrs. Fulton's class trying to persuade them to do an activity with us. Activity is yet to be determined by our class.

In Science, we have been learning about structures and what makes them strong. We will talk about nature structures this week. We have also discussed different types of energy and the importance of conserving energy. We will create a Chatterpix about energy conservation and/or helping our environment this week.

Here are this week’s word wall words.

1. that
2. there
3. them
4. these
5. thing
In Math, we will be completing various word problems this week. They will be expected to show their thinking using pictures, numbers and words.

Important Dates:
Monday, May 2nd to Friday, May 6th = Education Week
Monday, May 2nd - Education Week Liturgy (1:00-2:10pm)
Wednesday, May 4th - Nanny Sue Activity
Thursday, May 5th - Open House (8:00-9:10am)
Friday, May 6th - CHEO Fundraiser (Wear PJ’s for a toonie for CHEO)

Wednesday, May 11th - Library book exchange

*** We are looking for 10 oz EMPTY soup cans for our very last Nanny Sue craft of the year. If you can send any you have in that would be amazing! They need to be 10 oz only. Thank you !!!****

If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda.

Here is hoping for a fun filled education week!
Tiffany Lawless