Monday, May 9, 2016

May 9-13

I hope everyone had a great Mother’s day weekend and you enjoyed your beautiful gifts!

A big thank you to all of you who helped your children read and reach their class and cousin class goal over the last two weeks! The students really worked hard to get their bubbles and because of that Mrs.D’Ettorre and I are rewarding them with a pj/ movie/stuffy afternoon this Friday May 13th. Also, since they reached their cousin goal of 700 books they will also be getting ice cream! (we will be buying the Chapman brand ice cream since it seems to be the safest with our friends and allergies). Congratulations to all of you for working so hard.

Our New Word Wall Words this week are:

In Language this week we will be continuing to learn about writing a persuasive letter. We wrote our persuasive letter last week to Mrs.Fulton’s class asking them to join us for a tech block in our room. We can’t wait to get their response!

In Math we are continuing to focus number sense and numeration. We are going to be working on new word problems and making sure we answer showing all of our thinking (using pictures, numbers and words).

Important Dates:
Thursday May 12- Library at 3 pm
Friday May 27- Field trip to Baxter Conservation

If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda! Have a fabulous week!

Tiffany Lawless

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