Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 4

Good Morning!

I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! We had a great week last week. Thank you to all the parents who were able to make it out to Meet the Teacher Night. It was so nice to meet all of you!

In Language, we are still learning about vowels and adjectives. We are learning how to write a proper sentence using finger spaces, Capital letters and punctuation. We also practiced our word wall words.
Next we are going to discuss how our background knowledge and how making connections helps us understand the text we read.

In Math we are finishing up sorting and patterning this week. Our next math focus Number Sense and Numeration. We will be looking at how to make numbers , ways to represent numbers and we will also be practicing our counting by 2's, 5's, 10's.

A couple of upcoming dates to watch out for:

Tuesday September 29th- Parent council meeting in the evening

Tuesday October 6th- Picture Day
                                Thanksgiving mass 1:30

Wednesday October 7th- Thanksgiving art 3rd block

Friday October 9th- PD day No School

Have  a great week everyone!

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