Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16-19

Hello Parents,

Our Remembrance Day Ceremony was lovely! Our children were very respectful as we honoured all our fallen heroes and our veterans. Your child should be able to tell you several facts about Remembrance Day (e.g. Veteran, National War Memorial, Lieutenant Colonel John McCRae MD, In Flanders Fields, Poppies, Wreaths, Belgium)

This Thursday evening is parent-teacher interviews. I would like to meet with every family. If you haven’t already made an appointment, please do so by Wednesday. If I have already met with you over the last two weeks then you don’t need to come Thursday night. If you prefer to a phone interview please indicate that in your child’s agenda.

Please check your child’s agenda every night. Sometimes I write a note for you in the agenda and ask for a parent signature but it doesn’t get done. We take the time every day to write a message for you. Please take the time to read and initial it each night. Please remind your child to bring it to school every day. I remind them that it is their responsibility to pack their bag with their belongings. The agenda belongs to the child and not the parent. Responsibility is one of our many important learning skills.

On Friday we started the first of five lessons on Digital Citizenship. We heard and discussed the story of The Good Samaritan. Children will discuss and discover ways to be kind, respectful and show peace to others.

In Language, we are continuing our study of Descriptive Writing. Students are expected to refer to the Descriptive Writer’s checklist as they do their work.

In Math, we will continue using manipulatives to practice showing quantities using the terms: one more, two more, one less and two less.

In Science, we are exploring our knowledge about Seasons and Seasonal Changes. This week, we will focus on the Winter season (clothing, animals, activities, celebrations, food, weather etc).

Important Dates:
  • November 16th-20th - Bully Awareness and Prevention Week
  • Library book exchange - Wednesday, November 18th
  • Thursday, November 19th - Parent-Teacher Interviews starting at 4:00pm
  • Friday, November 20th - PD Day - No school

Have a wonderful week!!

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