Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2-5

Hello Parents,

We had a very exciting week! The Dance-a-Thon was a ton of fun! Our class brought in 130 food items for the We Scare Hunger Food Drive! For reaching our class goal of 100 cans, our class has earned a pyjama and bring your stuffy day on Friday, November 5th! Thank you very much for all your donations!

*If you still have Dance-a-thon pledge forms, please return them as soon as possible. Thank you for all your wonderful support with the food drive and pledge form money raised!

In Language, we continue to use adjectives to describe various things. We described a white ghost pumpkin, a pumpkin or cat last week. This week they will colour a dragon and then describe them using adjectives while writing telling sentences (Declarative Sentences). Telling sentences require a period at the end. The students are required to use a writer’s checklist to check for their written work. Here is what it looks like:

Writer’s Checklist:
  • My sentence starts with a capital letter
  • My sentence has spaces in between words
  • My sentence ends with punctuation ( .   ?   !   )
  • My sentence makes sense

In Math, we practice counting to 100 by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s on a daily basis. Please practice skip counting at home. Students are learning how to use a Ten Frame to show numbers to 20. We will continue using ten frames this week. You can help your child with their number sense by having your child count objects in their environment: count dinner settings, apples you purchase at the store, steps in your house, smarties in a box, cans in your cupboard etc. Look for math everywhere! The possibilities are endless!

In Science, we are exploring our knowledge about Seasons and Seasonal Changes. This week, we will continue to learn more about each season by researching information about each one using books and technology.

Last week, our class practiced what to do during a lockdown drill. They did a fantastic job! I didn’t have to tell them much because they already knew a lot about the procedure! Impressive! We will have a school lockdown drill this week to make sure all students know what to do in the event of a real lockdown. 

Please ensure that you read and initial your child’s agenda each day. I check them every day after first recess. Students take the time to write in them and sometimes I write a note for you to read. I told the class that it is their responsibility for bringing their agenda to school every day. They are not allowed to tell me that their mom or dad forgot to pack their agenda. Please remind them that they should pack their agenda and their lunch daily. Responsibility is one of our learning skills and a very important one. I use that word regularly throughout the day. Thanks for your support.

Note that interview night is Thursday, November 19th starting at 4:00pm. If you already know that this night doesn’t work for you, please write me a note in your child’s agenda. I would like to meet with every family for the Progress Reports. Mme. T and I are available most mornings at 8:30am.

Important Dates:
  • Tuesday, November 3rd - School Council Meeting 6:30pm
  • Wednesday, November 4th - Library Book Exchange
  • Thursday, November 5th - Photo Retake Day
  • Friday, November 6th - Progress Reports go home

Have a wonderful week!
Tiffany Lawless

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