Sunday, January 31, 2016

February 1-5

Hello everyone!

Here are the new word wall words for week 18

While reading “Kindness Is Cooler Mrs. Ruler”, we came up with the idea of doing a kindness project. Each day, the children can write a kind deed they did on a foam heart and then we put them on our class door and all around our windows. They are really excited about this project. It’s nice to hear from some parents how their child is trying to be extra nice and helpful at home. They can write kind things they do at school as well. We talked about how 20 children in our class can reach 100 hearts by counting by 5’s and 20’s! That was fun! We figured out that if everyone did 5 acts of kindness we would get to 100!

In Health/Media, we continue to discuss and do various activities about the food groups, nutrition and healthy eating habits. Last week, we showed the children various cereal boxes and talked about the target audience and how they are influenced by the colours, pictures and words used on the boxes. We showed the children what a gram looks like then we had them guess how many grams of sugar were in each box. Then we compared white milk to chocolate milk and juice and soda pop to water. They were shocked at the amount of sugar that was in some of these things! We continue to discuss the importance of protein, fibre, calcium and the effects of excess sugar to their body and teeth. We will continue to look at advertisements (e.g. magazine ads, commercials ) and learn how the media can try to persuade us to go somewhere, buy something or watch something. When we look at magazine ads, we try to figure out who the audience and what the advertised product could be. The children are learning how to think about it and prove their thinking as well. We will take the same approach as we watch some commercials on the smartboard. Some of the advertisements are very tricky and the product is not at all obvious. It will be really fun to watch them try to figure out what the advertisements are about and how they came up with their answers!

In Gym, we are doing fitness stations to help improve their strength, coordination and agility. Through these and other activities, we continue to work on our fitness goal of performing an activity for 5 minutes in duration without stopping.

In Music, we will explore the percussion family of instruments. Students will also listen to a variety of songs and determine their tempo as well interpret the mood of the music played. We will add a music station to work stations for the next few weeks so the children can practice playing rhythms and further explore the sounds of the percussion instruments in our class kit.

In Language, we are shifting our main focus to recounts. Students will write a recount using sequential words such as First, Next, Then, After, Finally. We will talk about using conjunctions to lengthen sentences and how to use adjectives to describe the nouns they use in their writing. It is a good idea to have your child write regularly at home (e.g. shopping lists, letters to grandma, retell a story they read, write their own adventure etc.)

In Math, we are starting our unit on 2D and 3D shapes. We will also continue to solve word problems using pictures, numbers and words. It is a good idea to practice addition and subtraction facts at home when you have time.

In Science, the students are finished their research projects and will work on presenting their information to the class this week. Our next unit will be on Materials, Objects and Everyday Structures. This will link up nicely to our math unit on 2D shapes and the following unit on 3D solids.

Important Dates:
  • School Council Meeting - Tues. Feb. 2nd 6:30-8:30pm
  • Skating at Minto - Wed. Feb. 3rd 10:00-11:00am
  • National Sweater Day - Thurs. Feb. 4th
  • 100th day of School - Tues Feb 9 (it's actually on Wednesday but because of Ash Wednesday we are celebrating on Tuesday)
  • Library Book Exchange -  Wed. Feb. 10th
  • Ash Wednesday - Wed. Feb. 10th
  • Cake Walk - Thurs. Feb. 11th
  • Nanny Sue February Craft - Thurs. Feb. 11th 1:00-2:00pm
  • Family Day - Mon. Feb. 15th - NO SCHOOL

**We are looking for parent volunteers for Nanny Sue’s February Craft. Please write a note in your child’s agenda if you can join us on Feb. 11th from 1:00-2:00pm. Thanks

The 3rd Annual Cake Walk is taking place on Thursday, February 11th all day in the gym. This is a School Council event that raises money for technology in our school. More information from School Council to follow.
If you send in $5 or more I will send home the entire sheet so you can help your child fill out their name on the 40 ballots (as you can imagine it takes the little ones a very long time to do this)

If at any time, you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda and I will get back to you.

Have a fabulous week
Tiffany Lawless

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