Sunday, January 24, 2016

January 25-29

Hello everyone!

Here are the new word wall words for week 17:

  1. first
  2. then
  3. of
  4. all
  5. over

In Health, continue to discuss and do various activities about the food groups, nutrition and healthy eating habits. The students continue to learn about protein, fibre, calcium and the effects of excess sugar to their body and teeth.

In Gym, we continue to practice catching and throwing skills as well as jumping, skipping, hopping and galloping. Through various activities, we are also working on sustaining their fitness level for 5 minutes in duration without stopping.

In Music, we continue to learn about about beat, rhythm, tempo, musical instrument families and listen to music and interpret its mood.

In Language, we continue to learn about procedural writing. This week, we will make lemonade together and then write the procedures for making this delicious drink! We didn’t get to it last week.

We will continue to write a recount each Monday in our journals using sequential words such as First, Next, Then, After, Finally.

In Math, we are reviewing addition and subtraction facts to 10.

In Science, the students are still working on their research projects and will work on presenting their information to the class this week using an application on the Ipads.

Important Dates:
  • Library Book Exchange -  Wed. Jan. 27th

If at any time, you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda and I will get back to you.

Have a great week!
Tiffany Lawless

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