Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March 29-April 1

I hope you had a wonderful Easter long weekend with your family!

Just a note we have 3 confirmed cases of head lice in our class. Please make sure to check your children.

Due to the two short weeks, we will not be doing any new words this week. We will continue to study last week’s words and do a brief review of all the words to date. A copy will be sent home with your child for you to review with them. Here are last week’s words:

1. tall
2. when
3. kick
4. but
5. old
In Math, we will continue to learn to identify a variety of coins and make coin amounts up to 20 cents. We will open up a store for the children so that they can practice using money amounts to buy small items from our treasure box.

In Science, we will continue our exploration of various objects and the materials that they are made of (e.g. a pencil is made out of wood from trees, our chairs are made out of plastic, our school is made out of bricks etc.). We will follow this with making structures out of various materials to test their strength and durability.

Important Dates:
Wednesday, March 30th - Library exchange
Tuesday, April 5th - Easter Mass 1:30-2:30

If you have any questions or concerns, please write me a note in your child’s agenda.

Have a great week!
Tiffany Lawless

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