Sunday, June 26, 2016

Last week of school!

June 27-29th

Wow! It’s the last 3 days of school already! What an incredible year of memories and learning with our children!

Here are the last few events of the year:

  • Monday, June 27th - CGE Assembly 10:45-11:30am
  • Monday, June 27th - Report Cards go home
  • Tuesday, June 28th - Primary Talent Show 1:00-2:00pm
  • Tuesday, June 28th - Junior Talent Show 2:30-3:30pm
  • Wednesday, June 29th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

School work and notebooks are going home on Monday. Please send in a reusable bag for your child.

Also, please return all library books.

It has been an amazing year. I have loved watching your children grow, learn, and come into their own this year. I have been so fortunate to be part of the St.Cecilia community for the past 3 years. If you didn't already know, I will no longer be teaching at St.Cecilia next year. I will be teaching grade 1 at the new school down the road, St.Benedict. I am full of mixed feelings, happy to start a new adventure but sad to be leaving the large family I have been part of. I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for such a wonderful year with your beautiful children and all of your support.
I hope you all have a safe, wonderful summer!

Your partner in learning,
Tiffany Lawless

Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20-24

Hello everyone!

There are only 8 days of school left! Today is also the first official day of summer!! Yippeeeee!!!

The Jump Rope for Heart event was a HUGE success! We had a lot of fun skipping and raising money for a great cause! I hope you had a chance to see our pics on Twitter.

In Math, we are reviewing all our math strands through math workstations with Mrs. D'Ettorre's that I have set-up. The children are very engaged in these activities and it is a great review of our year’s math learning.

We continue to learn about narrative stories through read-alouds. The children are almost finished sharing the story they wrote and illustrated, based on the pattern book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”.

In Gym, we will do fitness stations and parachute games this week.

Please remember to ensure that you have returned any outstanding library books on Monday.

Since the weather is getting hot and sunny, it might be wise to apply sunscreen to your child before school and make sure they have a hat and a reusable water bottle at school. A water bottle would be great for these hot days!

Have a great week!

Tiffany Lawless

Monday, June 13, 2016

June 13-17

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend. There are only 13 more days of school left… can we make it?!! :)


There will be no more NEW word wall words this years. I am sending home a recap of all the words we learned throughout the year and I promised the kids we would do a little spelling bee closer to the last week of school… just for fun!

In Language this week we will be continuing to work on writing and exploring narratives.

In Math we are continuing to work on probability and fractions.

Wednesday June 15: Ottawa PublIc Library presentation 2nd block
Wednesday June 15: Nanny Sue Craft block 3
Thursday June 16: End of year Mass (done by the grade 1’s) block 2

I hope you all have a great week and if there are any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to put a not in the agenda!

Tiffany Lawless

Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6-9

Hi everyone!

Welcome to our final week of word wall words! Woo hoo!

Our WWW this week are:
  1. brother
  2. sister
  3. tell
  4. day
  5. away

A few quick reminders:
  1. We are still in desperate need of some 10 oz/250 ml soup cans for our very last Nanny Sue craft. If you have any please send them in as soon as possible.

  1. Jump Rope for heart is this Wednesday,June 8th. Please make sure to get your pledge forms in. Also please make sure your child has running shoes to skip with and wear red that day. Thanks

In Language we are continuing with learning about what a narrative is. We are learning about characters, setting, problem, and solutions. The children have been working collaboratively to write their own narrative. This week they will make props for their story so they can act it out in our classroom theatre!

In math we are continuing looking at algebra questions. For example: 3+__= 6. We will also study fractions this week (½ and ¼ ).

In Science we are continuing to look at living things as well as energy sources.

Upcoming Dates:
  1. Nanny Sue craft Wednesday June 15th
  2. EQAO testing grade 3 and 6 - All done by Tuesday, June 7th
  3. Jump Rope for Heart June 8th LAST BLOCK for Grade 1(Rain date is Thursday, June 9th)
  4. School Council Meeting - Tuesday, June 7th 6:30-8:30pm
  5. Library - Wednesday, June 8th
  6. PD DAY - Friday, June 10th - No school

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to drop me a line in the agenda!

Have a great week!

Tiffany Lawless