Sunday, June 26, 2016

Last week of school!

June 27-29th

Wow! It’s the last 3 days of school already! What an incredible year of memories and learning with our children!

Here are the last few events of the year:

  • Monday, June 27th - CGE Assembly 10:45-11:30am
  • Monday, June 27th - Report Cards go home
  • Tuesday, June 28th - Primary Talent Show 1:00-2:00pm
  • Tuesday, June 28th - Junior Talent Show 2:30-3:30pm
  • Wednesday, June 29th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!

School work and notebooks are going home on Monday. Please send in a reusable bag for your child.

Also, please return all library books.

It has been an amazing year. I have loved watching your children grow, learn, and come into their own this year. I have been so fortunate to be part of the St.Cecilia community for the past 3 years. If you didn't already know, I will no longer be teaching at St.Cecilia next year. I will be teaching grade 1 at the new school down the road, St.Benedict. I am full of mixed feelings, happy to start a new adventure but sad to be leaving the large family I have been part of. I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for such a wonderful year with your beautiful children and all of your support.
I hope you all have a safe, wonderful summer!

Your partner in learning,
Tiffany Lawless

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