Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20-24

Hello everyone!

There are only 8 days of school left! Today is also the first official day of summer!! Yippeeeee!!!

The Jump Rope for Heart event was a HUGE success! We had a lot of fun skipping and raising money for a great cause! I hope you had a chance to see our pics on Twitter.

In Math, we are reviewing all our math strands through math workstations with Mrs. D'Ettorre's that I have set-up. The children are very engaged in these activities and it is a great review of our year’s math learning.

We continue to learn about narrative stories through read-alouds. The children are almost finished sharing the story they wrote and illustrated, based on the pattern book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie”.

In Gym, we will do fitness stations and parachute games this week.

Please remember to ensure that you have returned any outstanding library books on Monday.

Since the weather is getting hot and sunny, it might be wise to apply sunscreen to your child before school and make sure they have a hat and a reusable water bottle at school. A water bottle would be great for these hot days!

Have a great week!

Tiffany Lawless

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