Monday, June 6, 2016

June 6-9

Hi everyone!

Welcome to our final week of word wall words! Woo hoo!

Our WWW this week are:
  1. brother
  2. sister
  3. tell
  4. day
  5. away

A few quick reminders:
  1. We are still in desperate need of some 10 oz/250 ml soup cans for our very last Nanny Sue craft. If you have any please send them in as soon as possible.

  1. Jump Rope for heart is this Wednesday,June 8th. Please make sure to get your pledge forms in. Also please make sure your child has running shoes to skip with and wear red that day. Thanks

In Language we are continuing with learning about what a narrative is. We are learning about characters, setting, problem, and solutions. The children have been working collaboratively to write their own narrative. This week they will make props for their story so they can act it out in our classroom theatre!

In math we are continuing looking at algebra questions. For example: 3+__= 6. We will also study fractions this week (½ and ¼ ).

In Science we are continuing to look at living things as well as energy sources.

Upcoming Dates:
  1. Nanny Sue craft Wednesday June 15th
  2. EQAO testing grade 3 and 6 - All done by Tuesday, June 7th
  3. Jump Rope for Heart June 8th LAST BLOCK for Grade 1(Rain date is Thursday, June 9th)
  4. School Council Meeting - Tuesday, June 7th 6:30-8:30pm
  5. Library - Wednesday, June 8th
  6. PD DAY - Friday, June 10th - No school

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to drop me a line in the agenda!

Have a great week!

Tiffany Lawless

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